About Me

7 images including a dining table full of food, a couple  with hands clasped, a woman in a broad-brimmed hat obscuring her face, a white ceramic jug and a silver picture frame  on a shelf, a gin and tonic in a glass with lemon, back of a woman's head with an up styled hairdo, a watch-and-chain held in a woman's hand.
Katrina Robinson: women's lifestyle writer

A wise woman (not me) once wrote:

‘Life can be a bit of a [**@@!!!],

But with a stiff upper lip,

And a stiff G&T,

It's worth carrying on with.'


My name is Katrina, I am part-time journalist, part-time academic library assistant, full-time woman.

Random facts about me:

  • My father's brother married my mother's sister, my mother's brother married my father's cousin, and my parents were fourth cousins. This was far from unusual in Donegal in the 1950s.

  • I have been known to spontaneously start talking about cats.

  • Another person and I both saw a strange animal like a komodo dragon weaving its way through a suburban German garden late one night. We have never been able to identify what it was.

  • I finally learnt to drive at the age of 36 and swim at the age 40 despite being convinced I would never do either. This gives me hope: what other things are we sure we can't do that we actually can?
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